

Design will be examined from a wide perspective, and programs aiming for materially and emotionally rich life will be implemented taking cultural, social and economic aspects into consideration.

Programs for the initial year

1. Research, Study and Experiment on Design Education for School Children

We will examine an educational program and formulate teaching programs to be used in interdisciplinary classes at primary and lower secondary schools. The aims are to help children develop an eye to appreciate the relationships between "Humans and Objects," "Objects and Objects," and "Objects and Spaces" comprehensively, and develop their aesthetic senses toward the culture of living so that they will grow to be well-round adults.

2. Research on Eco-Materials

Designers are responsible to select appropriate materials in their work considering their possible environmental burdens and adverse effects on health caused by materials. We will examine selected products and materials often used for people's daily life and make a short-term assessment on their safety and comfort as well as a long-term impact. As a result, we will make a checklist of materials that will be used as a guide by both designers and consumers.

3. Research and Study on Barrier-Free Sign Standardization

There is no established effective system of providing information to people with visual, audio and perception disabilities, and the elderly who have difficulties in daily living. We will collect samples of expression, and mobilize many monitors to examine the standardization of expression and presentation to help these people obtain accurate information.

4. Advertisement Environment Investigation Team

We will send our teams to some selected downtown districts, main roads, stations and other public spaces to investigate advertisements. We will collect good and bad samples for the respective scenes, and hold a workshop to study them.